Senior Radio Buffalo episode #480- 07/08/23

Segment 1 (3:56): We start the show with Karen A. Olson, Owner, Vice-President, and Licensed Sales Representative from Clarity Group. First hear how they can help you and how there is never a fee! Then Karen tells us how even though it’s not Open Enrollment, they are still very busy seeing their clients and how it’s a great time to come see them with questions. Next we discuss how their whole goal is finding the best and right plan for you depending on your individual needs. Karen then tells us why it’s important to bring in a list of your doctors and medications and some of the questions they will ask you when finding your plan. Finally, we discuss what it means to be on both Medicaid and Medicare. To learn more about them and for any information you need, please visit HERE!
Segment 2 (18:03): Next we welcome the legend Sandy Beach and also Jay and Beth from West Herr Auto. First we discuss how many dealerships they have now, where they are located, and how many employees! West Herr finds it very important to keep their culture local and Jay shares with us why this is so important to them. Sandy shares his personal experience with car buying and how comfortable and happy he truly is with West Herr. Next Beth shares with us what their greatest needs are for employees at West Herr. We also discuss the earning potential and how great a career will be with them. Jay shares with us some great changes they have made in the Auto Shops with West Herr. To learn more about West Herr Auto, please visit HERE!
Segment 3 (33:01): Then we are joined by Dr. Ashleigh Robinson, Founder of, a Dentist with, AccommoDental. First she shares with us why she wanted to create this company and the need she saw very early on in her dental career. Then she tells us the areas in New York she can cover. Dr. Robinson then shares some of the reasons her patients cannot make it to the dentist office. Next hear the variety of services she can do in your home and the few things she cannot. Then we talk about how she can even do x-rays at your home! Finally, hear how she can keep in contact with your current dentist. To find out more, please visit HERE or call 716-525-8228.
Segment 4 (48:06): We wrap up the first half of our show with Brad and Brian Stamm from The Stamm Law Firm. First hear some of their services they offer including business planning, estate planning, and wills. Today we are going to answer some questions we get for them via social media. The first question is about someone who has parents in their 80’s, but they don’t have wills. Brad and Brian explain how it’s never too early to come in to get a will, and even if you’re in your 80’s you can still come in! We also go into detail how it’s a myth that everything will go to your children if you do not have a will. We also discuss the topic of estate planning and how everyone has an estate, no matter what your financial situation is. Tune in to hear some great answers to our social media questions. To get in contact with The Stamm Law Firm, please call 716-759-2952 or visit HERE!
Segment 5 (1:05:42): We start the second half of our show with Barbara Hughes, the General Manager of AAA Group Travel. Barbara has planned some amazing upcoming trips partnered with Senior Radio Buffalo! Then Barbara tells us some of her best travel experiences and how you can experience it, too. Next we start talking about our trips. Tune in to hear about the first one: European Christmas Markets from November 25th-December 5th. Barbara goes into detail about this amazing trip and tells us some of the cities and sites we will see. Linda and Barbara also tell us what is included and the price. Finally, Barbara tells us about the next trip which takes us to Hawaii. She tells us about the trip, where the trip leaves from, and Linda tells us the itinerary which leads us to a cruise in the Hawaiian islands. This trip is from January 25th-February 4th and Barbara tells us the price. If you’re interested in either trip you can visit our site or call Kristen at 716-630-3750.
Segment 6 (1:20:24): In this segment, we continue discussing the upcoming AAA Group Travel trips partnered with Senior Radio, with Barbara Hughes the General Manager of AAA Group Travel. Be sure to tune in to hear about the European Christmas Market Trip from November 25th-December 5th. There is also the Hawaiian Islands cruise trip from January 25th-February 4th. Linda and Barbara go into detail about both of these trips and why group travel is the best! If you’re interested in either trip you can visit our site or call Kristen at 716-630-3750.
Segment 7 (1:33:52): Then we are joined by Julianne Lepo, CDFA, President, and owner of Turning Tides Financial. Today we are talking about divorce and how her services are here to help women through this time in their life. Julianne share with us the many questions she gets and the fears she can put to rest by helping. Then she tells us what the biggest fear is she sees from her clients and how her job is to sit down with you and sort out everything so that you understand everything surrounding the financial aspect of your divorce. Next Julianne tells us what makes her different from a lawyer and how it’s really helpful to have her and a lawyer on your team. Finally, Juliane tells us what she tells her clients all of the time. To learn more about how she can help you, please call 716-800-4290 or visit HERE!
Segment 8 (1:48:27): We wrap up the show with Melissa and Kristina from the Amherst Center for Senior Services. March is National Nutrition Month and the Amherst Senior Center is doing so much to make sure everyone is making informed food choices and developing healthy eating and movement habits. They tell us about their lunch and dinner services, their cafe, and how their social workers can meet with members to see if they are eligible for SNAP. Then Melissa tells us the changes happening with SNAP. She also tells us the cost of the food services and you will be pleasantly surprised! Finally, hear who is eligible for their meals. To learn more, please call 716-636-3050 or visit HERE!