Senior Radio Buffalo episode #558- 01/18/25

Senior Radio Buffalo
Senior Radio Buffalo
Senior Radio Buffalo episode #558- 01/18/25

Segment 1 (5:25): We start the show with Karen and Brian from Clarity Group. Did you know Clarity Group is here for you all year round even though Medicare Open Enrollment is over? Karen first tells us what you can do if you think you may have chosen the wrong Medicare Plan for 2025. Karen explains how a lot of people experienced a lot of panic about choosing a Medicare Plan because their previous plan was canceled. Karen explains how these people have a special extended time frame to choose a plan. Brian explains how carriers are in competition with each other and that it is such a great idea to sit down with an unbiased agent to go over Medicare Plans so that you are not influenced by a commercial or 1-800 number. Linda shares how Clarity Group educated her and her husband and how grateful she is for them. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with the incredible team at Clarity Group, please call 716-393-3437 or visit HERE!

Segment 2 (19:58): Next we welcome Brian and Brad from the Stamm Law Firm. This is the year to get your affairs in order! Whether it is a trust, will, beneficiaries, etc… now is the time! Things can change as the years pass whether it’s your IRA, 401K, or something else that you may have named a beneficiary for many many years ago. You may need to take a hard look at everything you may have and be sure that there is a beneficiary on them or a beneficiary on them that you still want to be. Don’t put your family at risk and make them hire an additional lawyer because you didn’t have everything set up right. Brad then gives us a scenario of what can happen if you or your family is not prepared and how an irrevocable trust can help. To reach The Stamm Law Firm please visit HERE! 

Segment 3 (33:49): Then we are joined by Roxanne, owner of Elder Care Solutions of Western New York. You need a plan for your elder family members or even yourself. Do you have care planned? Someone who knows the system that can make sure they are receiving everything they need? Roxanne can help! The time is now to have these conversations and create this plan- especially with the holidays coming up. It’s not a conversation to be scared to have. It’s one to look forward to so there is something set in stone to keep everyone safe. An informed decision is the best to have. Then Roxanne tells us how important it is to have a Power of Attorney and how you gain control by planning for the future. Finally, we discuss how it’s important to have a plan now and not when there is an emergency and people are thinking straight. To contact Elder Care Solutions of Western NY please visit HERE!

Segment 4 (47:38): We wrap up our show with Dr. Damian Nesser, Doctor of Education, who wrote a book titled “Bloom Where You Are.” Linda tells us how his mother was diagnosed with Vascular Dementia and how he moved from Florida to New York to take care of her for the last 2 years from her life. He tells us how he looked for a Geriatric Specialist when this all happened to get some questions answered. He said it is key for the family to come together despite differences to find the best doctor and care for their loved one who needs it. It isn’t about what the family wants. It is about what is best for the loved one in need. He share some tips on how to handle finding a doctor for a loved one when other family members are involved. To learn more about his book and how to purchase it, please visit HERE!

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