Senior Radio Buffalo episode #556- 01/04/25

Senior Radio Buffalo
Senior Radio Buffalo
Senior Radio Buffalo episode #556- 01/04/25

Segment 1 (5:52): We start today’s show with Roxanne, founder and owner of Elder Care Solutions of Western New York. First Linda tells us how Roxanne can help you or a loved one when they need it the most when it comes to their health. Then Roxanne tells us how a future plan can change if someone passes, like for the loved one who is still remaining here. If the loved one who passed took care of everything, they may be lost at what to do. Someone like Roxanne can help you get everything in order and have a plan for when something in the future may happen. Roxanne then shares a personal story on how something like this happened to someone she knows and how you have to be able to take the next step to prepare for the future. Have the conversation now. Talk about these things. Then give a call to Elder Care Solutions of Western New York. To contact Elder Care Solutions of Western NY please visit HERE!

Segment 2 (19:32): Next we welcome Brian and Brad from the Stamm Law Firm. This is the year to get your affairs in order! Whether it is a trust, will, beneficiaries, etc… now is the time! Things can change as the years pass whether it’s your IRA, 401K, or something else that you may have named a beneficiary for many many years ago. You may need to take a hard look at everything you may have and be sure that there is a beneficiary on them or a beneficiary on them that you still want to be. Don’t put your family at risk and make them hire an additional lawyer because you didn’t have everything set up right. Brad then gives us a scenario of what can happen if you or your family is not prepared and how an irrevocable trust can help. To reach The Stamm Law Firm please visit HERE! 

Segment 3 (33:18): Then we are joined by Joe and Joe Jr from Andrew’s Estate Service. First Linda tells us some of the situations that they can help with, like if you’re downsizing or if you have a home to take care of after a loved one has passed. Today we are discussing their virtual estate sales. Joe tells us how a virtual estate sale is a huge benefit for their clients, but also for their buyers. Joe tells us the many, many benefits of a virtual estate sale if you’re a buyer and how the “old fashioned way” is going out the door. You can find exactly what you’re looking for quickly and you’re saving travel time and money on travel. Then Joe Jr tells us what types of items you may see in a virtual estate sale- you will be shocked at how much you can buy! To learn more, please visit them HERE!

Segment 4 (47:56): We wrap up the show with Mickey Kearns who serves as Clerk of Erie County. Today we are talking about the changes with Real ID. First hear the hard date that you have to have this ID by. Then Mickey tells us why not carrying around your passport all of the time is important. Then he tells us the benefits and extra cost of getting an Enhanced ID. This license will cure a lot of headaches in the future. Then we discuss how you can get an Enhanced Non-Driver ID that is the same as an Enhanced ID if you don’t drive. Mickey then tells us how they’re encouraging people to get it done now as to not have to wait in longer lines for people to procrastinate. Finally he tells us how they’re being proactive in this to save Seniors some money. To find out more, please visit HERE!

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