Senior Radio Buffalo episode #535- 08/10/24
Segment 1 (4:38): We start the show with Brad, Brian, and Andy from Stamm Law Firm. Today we are talking about how to protect your assets. Brian tells us what an Irrevocable Trust is, how it’s used for a house, and how it’s used to protect your house from Medicaid or a nursing home. He also tells us about a Life Estate Deed and what the pitfalls are of a Life Estate Deed compared to an Irrevocable Trust. Brad tells us some more pitfalls when it comes to a Life Estate Deed and how it can effect the future of your children. Finally, Andy tells him what is going to best serve so many of their clients when it comes to protecting their assets. To reach the Stamm Law Firm please visit HERE!
Segment 2 (19:31): Our next guest is Dr. Damian Nesser, Doctor of Education, who wrote a book titled “Bloom Where You Are.” He starts to tell us how his mother was diagnosed with Vascular Dementia and how that is one of the four types of Dementia. Dr. Nesser tells us how he moved from Florida to help his mom after finding out about her diagnosis and what was going on in her life that prompted him to become her full time caregiver. Next he tells us the changes he started to see in his mother once he moved in while she had Stage 3 Dementia. Finally, he tells how how his mom handled this new relationship between the two of them. To learn more about his book and how to purchase it, please visit HERE!
Segment 3 (34:32): Then we welcome Mr. Fitness- Richard Derwald. Richard is also a Senior Consultant over at Erie County Senior Services. We start by talking about what a healthy diet is. Richard tells us how things have changed so much throughout the years when it comes to our diet. Next we discuss how these changes have led to mistrust in the people who we should trust when it comes to medicine and diet. Richard then tells us what he has learned when it comes to health from when he was younger until now. We even discuss the food pyramid and how much it has changed. Richard tells us how we are all built for different things. For information about Erie County Senior Services, please call 716-858-8526.
Segment 4 (48:34): We wrap up today’s show with Joe and Joe Jr from Andrew’s Estate Service. First Linda tells what it is they do to help you and your family. Joe Jr tells us why they have begun to invite their clients in to watch the process so they can see what’s happening from start to finish. Next we discuss how much stress they can take off of you and your family during a difficult or stressful time. Linda then tells us how you can send questions for AES through our Facebook page to hear them answered in a future show! Finally, Joe tell us about their virtual estate sales. To learn more, please visit them HERE!