Senior Radio Buffalo episode #534- 08/03/24

Senior Radio Buffalo
Senior Radio Buffalo
Senior Radio Buffalo episode #534- 08/03/24

Segment 1 (6:22): We start the show with Mr. Fitness- Richard Derwald. Richard is also a Senior Consultant over at Erie County Senior Services. Richard shares with us what he is doing to improve his life everyday. Richard then shares with us that what holds you back is all in your mind. The body’s full power is what is in your mind. Richard and Linda get into a wonderful conversation about envisioning what you want and how you cannot let that go if you want to achieve your dreams. Finally, we discuss our huge fear of failure. For information about Erie County Senior Services, please call 716-858-8526. 

Segment 2 (22:39): Then we are joined by Aaron, owner of our local SAS Shoes. First we discuss why it is so important to head into SAS Shoes/Route 5 Boots. Next we discuss their wonderful Buy One Get One Sale going on in August for their sandals! There is still so much summer left and this sale is incredible. Aaron then tells us some of the new brands they have started carrying– you will be shocked to hear about them and excited to go and see them. Finally, we discuss what you can expect when you go into SAS Shoes and how they make show shopping an amazing experience. To learn more about their amazing shoes, please visit HERE!

Segment 3 (33:06): Our next guest is local discrimination attorney Lindy Korn. Lindy is currently working on a book with Dr. Eileen Trigoboff, RN, PMHCNS-BC, DNS, DABFN. They are trying to bring notice to the legal system on how fear prevents sexual discrimination complaints. Lindy first tells us what has led to her and Dr. Trigoboff to collaborate in their jobs and what led them to write this book. Lindy also shares how important it is for her clients for her to collaborate with professionals outside of her field. Lindy tells us more in particular about the book and how fear keeps people quiet and doubt themselves with what they’re going through. Lindy explains how this leads a lawyer to need a doctor like Dr. Trigoboff for their shared client. Finally. Dr. Trigoboff tells us what she sees in a client when it comes to fear and how working as a team is always the best interest of their client. To learn more, please visit HERE!

Segment 4 (49:07): We wrap up the show with Kerry Peak, Director of the Cheektowaga Senior Center. Kerry first tells us the median age of her center members. She also tells us that their center is 60 and up. The Cheektowaga Senior Center offers services, activities, and programs for all ages and needs. Then we discuss food costs and how we as seniors are handling it. Kerry tells us that you cannot sacrifice your nutrition when it comes to your health. The good news? The Cheektowaga Senior Center has services to help! Kerry tells us about their daily, hot lunch program. Please be sure to tune in and find out all about this amazing and incredible service. To learn more, please visit HERE!

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