Senior Radio Buffalo episode #470- 04/29/23

Segment 1 (5:13): We start the show with Rebecca Friend, an RN and a BSN Clinical Manager at Lakeshore Primary Care Associates which is a Catholic Medical Partners practice. Today we are talking about the time period after leaving the hospital, when you aren’t feeling 100% yet. Rebecca tells us why it is so important to follow up with your primary care doctor at a transition of care visit. Rebecca tells us the options you have meeting with your doctor after a hospital visit and what they will go over with you. Next we go over the risk factors of what can develop after a hospital stay and what can lead to these risk factors. Then we discuss the common conditions where a transition of care visit is most needed and what those things are. If you are looking for a new primary care physician, Lakeshore Primary Care Associates is accepting new patients at their Depew location. You can visit HERE or call (716) 683-4196. To find a CMP member physician of any kind, visit HERE! and click on “Provider & Facility Locator” at the top of the page.
Segment 2 (20:43): Next we welcome Sally Stier, Owner, President, and Licensed Sales Representative of Clarity Group. First we discuss what Clarity Group does and why she started it. She explains how they represent several insurance companies so they can find the perfect plan for you. Then Sally tells us when to come see them if you are new to Medicare. Next we discuss how Medicare is not a spouse plan and how you can have a totally different plan depending on your needs. They are here for you if your needs are changing, even if you think you may want to stay with the same company you had when you were working. Sally then goes over what it is like when you meet with someone at Clarity Group, how they are here for you during the whole year if you need anything, how they will form a relationship with you, and how it will never cost you a dime! To learn more, please visit HERE or call 716-393-3437.
Segment 3 (34:03): Then we are joined by Natalie Barnhard, founder of The Motion Project Foundation. First we talk about why she created The Motion Project Foundation and what has led her here. We discuss her injury and how her recovery gave her the idea to start The Motion Project Foundation. She realized what was missing for people in a situation like hers. She then was able to start a Recovery Center and she tells us all of the amazing things they do for her clients, no matter what level of injury they are at. Next we talk about their specialized equipment and how they are the only place that has it for hundreds and hundreds of miles. Natalie tells us where she is seeing clients come from and the specialized services they provide. We also discuss the Veterans they are helping and how they hope to help more. Finally we discuss their awesome events coming up, like Music in Motion in May and a golf tournament in June. To learn more about the Foundation, to donate, or to learn about their upcoming events, please visit HERE!
Segment 4 (48:56): Dr. Gupta, Board Certified Oncologist, joins us next and today we are talking about ways to prevent cancer. We begin by talking about how there are many cancers we can screen for and be able to take measures to take care of it. But first you must get screened– the earlier you find it the better you can treat it. Dr. Gupta then tells us how there is even a way to screen for lung cancer. He goes into depth about the screening and who it is for. Then we go over the things you need to talk to your doctor about that may lead to needing a cancer screening. Finally, we discuss a new test that is used in place of a colonoscopy. Dr. Gupta gives us some information on this new test and how it compares to a colonoscopy.
Segment 5 (1:06:18): The second half our show starts with Jennifer Stenak, Director of the West Seneca Senior Center. First we discuss their fitness center, instructor, track, and equipment. Then Jennifer shares with us what she would want people to know about the West Seneca Senior Center and you will be surprised. They are not what you stereotype a senior center to be. Next we discuss how there is no fee to join, only a fee to use the gym, but most Medicare Plans cover it. We also discuss how meals and transportation are paid through donations through the county. Finally, hear about their music events and the cost. To learn more please visit HERE!
Segment 6 (1:20:20): Next we welcome Melissa, Executive Director, and Christina, PR Coordinator, both from the Amherst Center of Senior Services. March is National Nutrition Month and the Amherst Senior Center is doing so much to teach us about making informed food choices and developing healthy eating and activity habits. Christina shares with us their lunch services and the program they follow. She also shares with us their other two food programs they offer and the hours. Next hear about their Social Workers you can meet with to discuss if you’re eligible for SNAP. Melissa tells us some changes happening with SNAP currently. Melissa tells us how they do not turn away anyone for dining if they cannot pay, as long as they make a reservation. No one is judged or turned away. To make lunch or dinner reservations and to learn more about the Amherst Center of Senior services, please call 716-636-3050 or visit HERE!
Segment 7 (1:33:34): Richard Derwald aka Mr. Fitness is Linda’s next guest. First hear what he is doing for Seniors in Erie County. Richard begins by telling us a story from his life in the 1980’s when he wanted to go into wrestling. He thought toy companies should make action figurines of wrestlers, so he contacted a toy company and it became a reality! He goes into detail of the back and forth from the toy company, but how he continued trying until he got asked for the go ahead of the idea. You must tune in for this story and how it turned out for Richard. Finally, we discuss the lesson learned here and how you must let your disappointments lead you. To learn more about Erie County Senior Services, please visit HERE!
Segment 8 (1:48:46): We wrap up the show with Sally Stier, Owner, President, and Licensed Sales Representative of Clarity Group. First we discuss what Clarity Group does and why she started it. She explains how they represent several insurance companies so they can find the perfect plan for you. Then Sally tells us when to come see them if you are new to Medicare. Next we discuss how Medicare is not a spouse plan and how you can have a totally different plan depending on your needs. They are here for you if your needs are changing, even if you think you may want to stay with the same company you had when you were working. Sally then goes over what it is like when you meet with someone at Clarity Group, how they are here for you during the whole year if you need anything, how they will form a relationship with you, and how it will never cost you a dime! To learn more, please visit HERE or call 716-393-3437.