Senior Radio Buffalo episode #408- 02/05/22

Senior Radio Buffalo
Senior Radio Buffalo
Senior Radio Buffalo episode #408- 02/05/22

Segment 1 (6:14): We begin today’s show with Brian, Brad, and Amanda from The Stamm Law Firm. First hear how they have many attorney’s that can help with with everything you need- they can do it all. Today we talk about that as life goes on and things change, that it’s important to have a plan set up and to navigate through the process of losing someone and what to do with the legal side of things. We discuss how you need to have the conversation of having things set up now and to give yourself and your family peace of mind. Also hear why the holiday might be the perfect time to get this started. To learn more, please visit HERE!

Segment 2 (22:03): Then we welcome local discrimination attorney Lindy Korn. Today we are discussing an article about female lawyers and what happens when they start to be treated as the “Office Mom.” Lindy first shares that anyone can be discriminated against in any workplace. Lindy then shares examples of tasks that are filled by a female in the office. Next Lindy shares if there have been any cases brought to court on this subject. Finally, Lindy shares some common allegations that happen on this subject. To learn more about everything Lindy and her firm can do for you, please visit HERE!

Segment 3 (35:14): Next we are joined by Aaron, owner of our local SAS Shoes. First Linda talks about how important it is to have shoes that fit your feet correctly and how you can get rid of foot pain so nothing holds you back. First hear how long they have been around for and hear all about their product. Aaron shares with us the sizes and widths they have. To learn more about everything they offer and how they can help you, please visit HERE!

Segment 4 (50:46): We wrap up the show with Roxanne, owner and founder of Elder Care Solutions of Western New York. First we discuss what it is she does and how it can help you and your family. Then we discuss the lack of medical staff, including places like nursing homes. Roxanne shares with this how this lack of staffing happened and how it is causing nursing homes to shut down. This leads to her business having a harder time finding placement for her clients and having them end up in a hospital setting because they need to be safe and can’t be safe at home. Find out how it is better having someone on your side making these decisions and that it can be so difficult navigating it alone. To learn more, please visit HERE!

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