Senior Radio Buffalo episode #500- 12/02/23
Segment 1 (4:30): We start the show with Michelle who is the Regional Medicare Consultant from Univera Healthcare and today we are talking about Medicare. First Michelle tells us how people are coming to see her before they are 65 so they can get a clearer understanding of Medicare. She tells us why age 64 is a great time to come see her and why it is better than coming in when you are 65! Next we discuss why Social Security and Medicare are connected. Then Michelle tells us all of the amazing resources available to you before your Medicare meeting with Michelle. Finally, hear why having a sit down conversation about Medicare is so beneficial for you. To schedule an appointment with Univera to discuss your Medicare Plan, please visit HERE!
Segment 2 (18:50): Next we welcome the President of Clarity Group, Sally Stier. First hear when Medicare Open Enrollment ends and how important it is so come see Clarity Group! Sally tells us that your plan may have made some changes that you need to know about and how there are some awesome choices for plans for 2024. Sally tells us how plans have added new benefits. If you don’t come in and check the plans out, you are really cheating yourself. Next we talk about veterans and the plans for them. Then hear about how you can choose local or national plans. Finally, Sally tells us what they will check for you and show you on other plans that can benefit you– some even buy you new sneakers! To learn more or to schedule an appointment, you can call 716-393-3437 or visit HERE!
Segment 3 (32:19): Then we are joined by Julianne Lepo, CDFA, President, and owner of Turning Tides Financial. First hear how she can work alongside your attorney to create a great team to support you and how she will be sure you understand the finances and be sure you get what you deserve when it comes to finances through divorce. Then Julianne tells us the percentage of women who goes through divorce who don’t get an equitable settlement and end up in a poverty level of income up to ten years after divorce. This will SHOCK you. This will also show you why you need an expert like Julianne when you go through your divorce. Don’t let an emotional crisis of a divorce also become a financial crisis. Finally, Julianne tells us about her client and how her client would have been hurt tremendously with her divorce settlement if she wouldn’t have had Julianne look at. To learn more about how Julianne can help you, please call 716-800-4290 or visit HERE!
Segment 4 (47:21): We wrap up the first half of our show with Paul, manager of our local SAS Shoes. We begin by talking about how we age from the feet up. If you are wearing poor shoes, it’s going to hurt your whole body for a long time. Then Paul tells us about the Copenhagen Study and what it has to do with our legs and feet. Then we discuss how important it is to have healthy feet, strong legs, and how it leads to a healthy heart. Next he tells us the experience you will have a SAS Shoes and how this will lead to you having healthy feet. Next Paul tells us about their new brand that is amazing for people on their feet, their Fall Sale, and their Clearance Corner. Finally, Paul tells us about their range of shoe sizes in length and in width. To learn more about their amazing shoes, please visit HERE!
Segment 5 (1:03:39): We start the second half of our show with Rachel and Melissa from Erie County Senior Services New York Connects and they want you to know that if you are on Medicare, they have a Benefit Enrollment Center! Linda gives us some examples of the many services they have, including this Enrollment Center. Rachel gives us some wonderful information on what it is and the five programs that are available to you through this center. They can help see what you are eligible for by doing a benefits check up. You can find out what awesome resources you are entitled to and to make sure you are living the quality of life you want to. They can also see if you are eligible for discounts, free services, and even a free phone. To learn more about all of the incredible services available, please call Erie County Senior Services at 716-858-8526.
Segment 6 (1:19:42): Next we welcome Roxanne from Elder Care Solutions of Western NY. First hear how Roxanne is your advocate for having a plan in place for your loved one. We then discuss how this is a good time of year to talk to your loved ones about a plan while you’re together for the holidays. You may notice some changes in your loved ones and know that you need an advocate for their health care in case something happens. You need to be thinking about the “what if” moments. It’s a good time to ask about their wishes and sit down with Roxanne to get everything set up right for them. Finally, Roxanne tells us everything they can do for your loved one and your family. Put your mind at ease and sit down with the experts of Elder Care Solutions of Western New York! To learn more about this amazing company, please call 716-823-1476 or visit HERE!
Segment 7 (1:30:47): Then Brad, Brian, and Andy from The Stamm Law Firm join us. First hear all of the things their law firm can do for you! hen we talk to Andy who works in their Corporate/Business Law division. Andy tells us how important the businesses are to their clients, and how important it is to discuss your business with them. Andy tells us all of the opportunities that can present itself when the clients talk about their business with them. Next Andy tells us what legal documents you would need with them if you have a business and the factors that come into play. Finally, we discuss what can happen to your business if you pass away. To learn more about Stamm Law Firm, please visit HERE!
Segment 8 (1:46:40): We wrap up our show with Cheryl Syta, a RN and Nurse Practitioner. She is also a Functional Medicine Health Coach and a Cancer Coach. Cheryl tells us how she is here to help with whatever it is you need during or after your cancer journey. She can provide help and tips that you wouldn’t get at your doctor’s office. You deserve more! She tells us how she asks what you want in your life and then asks questions about your lifestyle so she can provide the very best help possible. Next she gives us an example about how lifestyle changes can improve your health and the way she works with people. Finally, she gives us examples of things people think improve your health in a cancer journey and how it’s just not true! To get into contact with her and her services, please call 518-300-3144 or visit HERE!