Senior Radio Buffalo episode #452- 12/17/22
Segment 1 (6:16): We start the show with Paul, manager of SAS Shoes. First hear about the SAS Experience and what they offer their customer. Plus, their shoes are made in the USA! Next we talk about how a gift card to SAS Shoes would be the absolute best gift for your loved one. Next Paul shares with us about their winter boots inference in many styles, sizes, and prices. Paul then tells us about these amazing boots with a retractable clip that can keep you form falling on ice. Finally, hear about how important your feet are and what they control on your body. To learn more, please visit HERE!
Segment 2 (20:30): Then we are joined by Dr. Dofitas, a Neurologist at the Comprehensive Stroke Center at Mercy Hospital who partners with Catholic Medical Partners. First we discuss the differences between having normal memory loss and dementia. You may start seeing some of these signs as you are visiting family members this holiday season. Next we discuss the causes of dementia. Then Dr. Dofitas tells us the behaviors we need to notice of loved ones that show they may need to be seen by their doctor. To learn more, please visit HERE!
Segment 3 (34:04): Next Linda welcomes Sally and Karen from The Clarity Group. First we discuss how Open Enrollment just ended. Then we talk about some of the new changes in Medicare Plans, a lot of it being good news with improvements in plans! Karen then informs us of other times throughout the year you can take advantage of when it comes to your Medicare Plan. Finally, even though you aren’t seeing any of these crazy Medicare ads on TV anymore, doesn’t mean that The Clarity Group isn’t here 24/7. They are always here for you- all year round. To learn more, please visit HERE!
Segment 4 (49:34): We wrap up the show with Dr. Steve Novelli, a Chiropractic Physician of Novelli Wellness Center. Today we are talking about nerve damage and how the Neuropathy Center at his Wellness Center can help. Next hear about the simple test you can do with your toes to see if you’re suffering from neuropathy. Then hear how suffering from neuropathy can affect your balance which can lead to falls. Dr. Novelli wants to do everything possible to keep his patients from falling. To learn more about this amazing Wellness Center and everything Dr. Novelli can do for you, please call 716-45-SPINE or visit HERE!