Senior Radio Buffalo episode #538- 08/31/24

Segment 1 (4:54): We start today’s show with Dr. Damian Nesser, Doctor of Education, who wrote a book titled “Bloom Where You Are.” He starts to tell us how his mother was diagnosed with Vascular Dementia and how that is one of the four types of Dementia. Dr. Nesser tells us how he moved from Florida to help his mom after finding out about her diagnosis and what was going on in her life that prompted him to become her full time caregiver. Next he tells us the changes he started to see in his mother once he moved in while she had Stage 3 Dementia. Finally, he tells how how his mom handled this new relationship between the two of them. To learn more about his book and how to purchase it, please visit HERE!
Segment 2 (19:12): Then we are joined by discrimination attorney Lindy Korn. Lindy is currently working on a book with Dr. Eileen Trigoboff, RN, PMHCNS-BC, DNS, DABFN. They are trying to bring notice to the legal system on how fear prevents sexual discrimination complaints. Lindy first tells us what has led to her and Dr. Trigoboff to collaborate in their jobs and what led them to write this book. Lindy also shares how important it is for her clients for her to collaborate with professionals outside of her field. Then Dr. Trigoboff tells us how important these collaborations are for her and her patients as well. Finally, we discuss what type of support someone like Dr. Trigoboff can be for a client of Lindy’s when they are in a mediation. To learn more, please visit HERE!
Segment 3 (35:00): Next we welcome Karen and Brian from Clarity Group. Medicare Open Enrollment starts October 15th and there are huge changes coming! Karen then tells us how helpful their agency is to the community, how you will see them out and about, and where you may see them. Brian then gives us some great detail on who Clarity Group is, what they do, and what sets them apart. You want to be able to trust who is helping you when it comes to something as important as Medicare. Brian then gives us a run down on what happens when you come see Clarity Group and what you can expect for your Medicare journey. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with the incredible team at Clarity Group, please call 716-393-3437 or visit HERE!
Segment 4 (49:39): We wrap up the show with Roxanne, Care Manager and owner of Elder Care Solutions of Western New York. First Roxanne tells us how she can help you or your family member in the future with your healthcare needs. Next she tells us how she can help navigate Medicare, Medicaid, doctors, therapists, etc. Then we discuss why it is important to preplan for the future and not when there is an emergency. She tells us the 5 needs she looks at to create the plan with. She creates a customized plan to your needs and what you need for your health! To contact Elder Care Solutions of Western NY please visit HERE!