Senior Radio Buffalo episode #537- 08/24/24

Segment 1 (5:47): We start the show with Brad, Brian, and Andy from Stamm Law Firm. Linda shares with us a personal story and then Brad tells us how many documents they see not done correctly when a family member passes away. He then tells us some devastating consequences that can happen if these documents aren’t correct. Andy then tells us what he has seen and what opportunities they find for improvement when looking at their clients documents, and this includes a trust. They tell us how estate planning done properly is a lifelong conversation and to keep an ongoing relationship with your counsel. Finally, Brian tells us about a client, what they were looking to do, and how they were able to help her. To reach The Stamm Law Firm please visit HERE!
Segment 2 (20:15): Then we welcome Karen and Brian from Clarity Group. Medicare Open Enrollment starts October 15th and there are huge changes coming! Don’t be caught off guard and get in touch with Clarity Group now! They also have some Medicare 101 Seminars coming up to help get you educated on Medicare. Karen gives us some great information on these Seminars, what to expect, what to bring, and when the Seminars are being held. Linda shares her experience and how important it is to meet with Clarity Group and sit down with them when it comes to your Medicare Plan. Finally, Karen gives us some insight on how Medicare can affect your retirement. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with the incredible team at Clarity Group, please call 716-393-3437 or visit HERE!
Segment 3 (34:03): Then we are joined by Aaron, owner of our local SAS Shoes. First we discuss why it is so important to head into SAS Shoes/Route 5 Boots. Next we discuss their wonderful Buy One Get One Sale going on in August for their sandals! There is still so much summer left and this sale is incredible. Aaron then tells us some of the new brands they have started carrying– you will be shocked to hear about them and excited to go and see them. Finally, we discuss what you can expect when you go into SAS Shoes and how they make show shopping an amazing experience. To learn more about their amazing shoes, please visit HERE!
Segment 4 (49:48): We wrap up the show with Roxanne, Care Manager and owner of Elder Care Solutions of Western New York. First Roxanne tells us how she can help you or your family member in the future with your healthcare needs. Next she tells us how she can help navigate Medicare, Medicaid, doctors, therapists, etc. Then we discuss why it is important to preplan for the future and not when there is an emergency. She tells us the 5 needs she looks at to create the plan with. She creates a customized plan to your needs and what you need for your health! To contact Elder Care Solutions of Western NY please visit HERE!